Products & Services for PDF Accessibility
The Right Tools to Make Document Accessibility Easy
There isn't a single product to make documents accessible. Every document type needs a different approach to make it accessible. axes4 has the expertise, scale and product offerings to solve all of your organization's document accessibility challenges.
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Learn about the software solutions provided by axes4 to help your organization create and distribute PDF/UA and WCAG compliant PDF documents every time. From single document to millions of pages per second in complete automation, axes4 has the solution to create accessible documents.
Understanding what is inaccessible and non-compliant with your documents is a critical place to start planning how to make your content accessible. axes4 has the right tools to easily test single files or entire websites of files and check accessibility and compliancy for PDF/UA, WCAG or national regulations.
axes4 has the largest remediation team in the world to provide you with the peace of mind that files are returned to you when you need them and with the peace of mind that they will be done right every time.
Learn how to make your documents accessible from the experts who helped create the standards for document accessibility. Whether this is from general awareness about accessibility to the most advanced accessibility techniques to ensure your team of experts can create accessible content internally.