Automatically check PDFs for accessibility
You want your systems or software to be able to check PDFs for PDF/UA and WCAG? Then axesSense is the solution!

What makes axesSense unique
PDF/UA Checks as API
Just like with axesPDF, PAC or axesCheck: axesSense covers all machine-verifiable PDF/UA requirements.
WCAG checks as API
Just like with axesPDF, PAC or axesCheck: axesSense covers all machine-verifiable WCAG requirements
Integrates with your systems or software
axesSense can be easily integrated into your systems or software as a REST API.

Try axesSense now!
axesCheck, our web-based PDF Accessibility Checker, provides a first impression of what axesSense can do in the background.
Check PDF accessibility in an automated and scalable way
Checking PDFs for accessibility used to be done one file at a time - for example with axesPDF, the PDF Accessibility Checker PAC, or the web-based axesCheck. With axesSense, you can now automate the whole checking process and check many documents at once.

Automate the testing process
With axesSense, checking PDF files for PDF/UA and WCAG compliance literally runs itself. Check your PDF files from a folder structure or based on a specific trigger event.

Save time
axesSense saves you time twice: on the one hand, it relieves you of manual checking, and on the other hand, evaluations can be specifically aggregated, further processed, and even used again as input for other applications.

Machine-readable test results
The output of axesSense in JSON format provides you with all results data in a machine-readable form. You can decide for yourself how you want to process and use it.

Scales arbitrarily
Do you want to check a file every time you upload one to the website or do you want to test your PDFs for compliance directly as part of batch processes? No problem! axesSense automatically scales with you.