Check a PDF for accessibility online
Is your PDF accessible according to the common standards PDF/UA and WCAG?
Check it quickly and easily now!

What makes axesCheck unique
Free of charge
Using axesCheck is completely free of charge. Neither personal data nor login are required.
No download or installation
Just go to the axesCheck website, upload your PDF and start the test - you'll get the results immediately.
Even on Mac or smartphone
Since axesCheck is a web application, you can check PDFs on a Mac, on your cell phone, or any other operating system or device.
Just like with axesPDF or PAC: axesCheck covers all machine-verifiable PDF/UA requirements.
And, just like with axesPDF or PAC: axesCheck covers all machine-checkable WCAG requirements.
Comparable results
Whether you use axesPDF, axesCheck or PAC - you will get comparable results about the accessibility of your PDF.

Free PDF Online Checking
At first glance it is not obvious whether a PDF is accessible. With axesCheck, the free, web-based PDF Accessibility Checker, checking accessibility according to the ISO standards PDF/UA and WCAG is possible in seconds.